#1: I'm no Master Chef... but I LOVE to cook

I may not be a wiz in the kitchen - I always burn the alfredo sauce, I sometimes overcook roasts and I occasionally dry out the chicken. But I LOVE to cook things.

While I wish I was able to juts throw a few ingredients in a pan and call it a masterpiece, the reality is I'm juts a standard "wifey" type cook. I can follow a recipe and I sometimes add a little twist. But I try to experiment with food too. No, sicko, not like that. I mean, I'll put a dash of teryaki in my BBQ or some vinaigrette on the couscous.

But more than just cooking the food, I love the way that my boyfriend appreciates my food. Even my bad food. It doesn't matter what I make, he always thanks me for making it. And so I'm inspired to get up the next day and do it all over again.

Tonight, I made stuffed zucchini (zucchini guts, bread crumbs, parmesan cheese and garlic) and stuffed tomatoes (couscous with left over zucchini guts, celery, lemon juice, spices and parsley). I was more excited about the presentation than I was to eat it. LOL.
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