Bringing Blogging Back!

Ok ok ok... so it's been FOR-EVER since I wrote a blog!!! I did go 32 days strong with the operation 365 though... which is a big deal for me. It was probably the longest blogging streak I've ever had.

But I found out recently that 95% of blogs will go inactive and become abandoned rather early on in their lives, and I thought about my own blogs.

I've got three: One was a fundraiser, so yeah, ok, fine, that one "technically" doesn't count. The other is a baking blog, and yes, I DO need to step my game up there. I've got so much baking experience under my belt so far and I should share some of that cool stuff with all of you.

Truth is, I really haven't seen the motivation to blog.

I mean, are people really reading this? I have one follower (Thanks Paul). After 32 days of posting this blog to my facebook and twitter and only one person found it interesting enough to follow me? So I thought, "Wow. I must be boring."

And on top of that, it takes me a long time to sit down and write something out. I gotta think about what photo I wanna share with you, write up some witty little piece that WON'T bore you to death and then post it, preview it and fix all the freaking typos that somehow show up.

But it dawned on me. In the middle of all my self bitching. I'm blogging for me, so that I can look back on my year and think... wow... I remember that! Not because I'm obligated, or because someone told me to do so. And by the way, Susie and Tracy, you are my biggest fans on Facebook and often push me to post - so I applaud you, and DO consider you my followers too. I should have mentioned that before.

So on that note, I decided that I'm bringing blogging back. But I DO hope that some of you will follow me and at least make me feel like it's not for nothing. :)
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