#29: I'm Unbelievably, Absurdly, Inconceivably, Out of Control in Love.

Photo number twenty-nine of Operation 365: I'm unbelievably, absurdly, inconceivably, out of control in love.

Yes, yes, I know. Everyone is tired of seeing me posting about how incredible my boyfriend is and how much I love him.

But you know what?


I'm yelling it from the rooftop!!!

It's amazing how every day you can find one more thing about someone that makes you just a hair more insane about them. I'm completely head over heels for this boy.

It's funny, because I finally found someone who is a mirror image of myself. We laugh, we joke, we finish each others sentences. It's 100% meant to be. And to be honest... I can't see me living my life any other way.

This is... the HAPPIEST... I have been... my ENTIRE life.

Thanks babe... I love you so much!
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