#31: I'm addicted to Cirque Du Soleil

Photo number thirty-one of Operation 365: I'm addicted to Cirque Du Soleil.

For my birthday this year, my mom gave me and my boyfriend tickets to see Kooza - a performance by Cirque Du Soleil.

It was the most amazing experience of my life.
The music was beautiful, the make up was stunning, the outfits were incredible and the stunts were phenomenal. I swear my jaw was on the floor the whole time. Amazing. I laughed, I cried, I gasped for breath.

If you haven't seen any of their performances, you should consider checking it out.

So, anyway, the merchandise at these events are outrageously expensive. We searched for a while during intermission, but refused to pay $90 for a shirt. So we grabbed a DVD and headed for checkout.

Then I saw these really cool coffee cups! They were only $5 each! So we snagged the last two and decided that our new "bucket list" would be to start a collection of Cirque Du Soleil cups.

So we plan on going to different shows around the state: Vegas, California and even in Florida. I even got a piggy bank specifically to save up for ticket money. $45 later, I'm almost there!
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