#28: I HAVE to Put My Makeup On in Order

Photo number twenty-eight of Operation 365: I have to put my makeup on in order.

It's the funniest thing. I take out every piece of my make up from the bag, before I get it on my face.

Eye shadows, liners, mascara, brushes in one section... primers, concealers and foundations in another... blush, powder, lipstick in the last.

I HAVE to do this. If I don't, I skip something.

And I have no idea where I picked this up form. I've watched my mom do her make up hundreds of times growing up and she doesn't do this. She grabs from the cabinet, puts on and sets back. Like a normal person.

Not me... I need order. LOL

And I love makeup, so I have a ton of stuff too. Every color eye shadow, dozens of lip sticks and brushes. I swear it takes more time to actually take everything out and organize than it does to put the make up on. LOL

#25: I Love Fishing and Catching Some Rays...

Photo number twenty-five of Operation 365: I love fishing and catching some rays.

Put me on a boat, on a dock, on a beach, anywhere that I can fish and I'm happy. I love to kick back and chill with a cold drink in one hand, a pole in the other and catch a nice tan while fishing.

I went to Sanibel for the Labor Day weekend and it was the best little spot I've been to so far. A little lake-house style motel on the corner of the water. Wow. It was beautiful.

I woke up every morning, threw the pole in the water and fished all day.

I never caught anything... except a sweet little tan.

#27: I Love Trash Magazines... They Make My Life Look Normal

Photo number twenty-seven of Operation 365: I love trash magazines, because they make my life look normal.

So Jen has been stealing Brad away from Angelina for like 10 years now. Kristie Alley still battles weight issues and Heidi is getting another nose job. I live for this.

I have no idea why, but for some reason I LOVE gossip magazines. I cannot go on a trip without one.

I read them in line at the supermarket, I flip through them at the hair salon, and I realized... I'm not alone.

Everyone loves gossip - be it personal, friends, celebs. They love to get the scoop on all the drama and analyze it in their own way.

That's why half of America watches Jersey Shore. So that we can watch Ronnie and Sammi fight and make our judgments as to whether or not they should stay together.

Hey, consider this my guilty pleasure...

#26: I Prefer the Sunset...

Photo number twenty-six of Operation 365: I prefer the sunset.

It's probably because I'm not a morning person. I hate waking up early, even if it's to do something fun. But night time... totally different.

I love to watch the sun set across the water. There's just something so peaceful about it. Like the landscape is tucking it in for the night while the moon gets his chance to shine.

I love watching the sunset on the East coast, as it passes through buildings. But nothing compares to the west coast. TOTALLY different colors and everything.

Sunsets in San Fransisco are my favorite. For now though, Sanibel sunsets are suiting me pretty well.

#24: I'm a SUPER nerd

Photo number twenty-four of Operation 365: I'm a SUPER nerd.

I will admit it. There are times when I nerd out, and sometimes to the point where even I know it's bad. But I can't help it! I think life is WAY too short to be serious all the time.

I goof around and make funny faces and funny sounds and I really don't care if people look at me crazy. In fact, I find it pretty funny when they do.

I originally bought these glasses for our Where's Waldo photo shoot.... we'll talk about that some other time... but I thought it would be hilarious to wear them around random places.

The glass in the center is clear, and no, doesn't distort your vision. But they are so flippin hilarious!

Wonder where I'll wear them today. LOL

Oh, C'mon, you know they are sexy....

#23: I LOVE pizza.... with no cheese

Photo number twenty-three of Operation 365: I LOVE pizza.... with no cheese.

I know, I know. You order pizza, you expect the cheese. In fact, some people add extra cheese. Me? I pull it off.

It's not that I don't like cheese, I actually really love cheese. But I prefer to taste the sauce on the pizza. Cheese steals the sauces thunder.

My favorite pizza in the whole world, is Villa Rose. I've been going there since I was just *this* big. Thin, crispy, fresh... GOOD!

I used to just peel it off each slice - since I share with everyone who likes cheese on their pizza. Now, I just order it with a third of the pizza missing cheese.

I;m not the only one in my family who likes it this way either. My father likes it with no cheese, and his dad liked it with no cheese.

And now, every time someone gives me the "stink eye" for skipping the cheese, I make them try it.

And guess what?

They like it!

#22: I'm so Bad About Writing Thank You Notes

Photo number twenty-two of Operation 365: I'm so bad at writing thank you notes.

I'm a firm believer that when someone gives you a gift, or donates to your cause you should send them a thank you note.

Yet... I always seem to have trouble remembering to write them.

I've been meaning to send out thank you notes for my upcoming fundraiser - the 160 mile bike trek.

So many of my friends and family have been generous to donate, and I feel SUPER guilty for not being gracious enough to write.

So, tonight, following my blog, I will write them out.

If you are curious about the bike trek, check it out: http://www.trektrainingtales.blogspot.com/

You can see my donationg here too: www.firstgiving.com/trektrainingtales