#23: I LOVE pizza.... with no cheese

Photo number twenty-three of Operation 365: I LOVE pizza.... with no cheese.

I know, I know. You order pizza, you expect the cheese. In fact, some people add extra cheese. Me? I pull it off.

It's not that I don't like cheese, I actually really love cheese. But I prefer to taste the sauce on the pizza. Cheese steals the sauces thunder.

My favorite pizza in the whole world, is Villa Rose. I've been going there since I was just *this* big. Thin, crispy, fresh... GOOD!

I used to just peel it off each slice - since I share with everyone who likes cheese on their pizza. Now, I just order it with a third of the pizza missing cheese.

I;m not the only one in my family who likes it this way either. My father likes it with no cheese, and his dad liked it with no cheese.

And now, every time someone gives me the "stink eye" for skipping the cheese, I make them try it.

And guess what?

They like it!
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