#24: I'm a SUPER nerd

Photo number twenty-four of Operation 365: I'm a SUPER nerd.

I will admit it. There are times when I nerd out, and sometimes to the point where even I know it's bad. But I can't help it! I think life is WAY too short to be serious all the time.

I goof around and make funny faces and funny sounds and I really don't care if people look at me crazy. In fact, I find it pretty funny when they do.

I originally bought these glasses for our Where's Waldo photo shoot.... we'll talk about that some other time... but I thought it would be hilarious to wear them around random places.

The glass in the center is clear, and no, doesn't distort your vision. But they are so flippin hilarious!

Wonder where I'll wear them today. LOL

Oh, C'mon, you know they are sexy....
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