#27: I Love Trash Magazines... They Make My Life Look Normal

Photo number twenty-seven of Operation 365: I love trash magazines, because they make my life look normal.

So Jen has been stealing Brad away from Angelina for like 10 years now. Kristie Alley still battles weight issues and Heidi is getting another nose job. I live for this.

I have no idea why, but for some reason I LOVE gossip magazines. I cannot go on a trip without one.

I read them in line at the supermarket, I flip through them at the hair salon, and I realized... I'm not alone.

Everyone loves gossip - be it personal, friends, celebs. They love to get the scoop on all the drama and analyze it in their own way.

That's why half of America watches Jersey Shore. So that we can watch Ronnie and Sammi fight and make our judgments as to whether or not they should stay together.

Hey, consider this my guilty pleasure...
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