#22: I'm so Bad About Writing Thank You Notes

Photo number twenty-two of Operation 365: I'm so bad at writing thank you notes.

I'm a firm believer that when someone gives you a gift, or donates to your cause you should send them a thank you note.

Yet... I always seem to have trouble remembering to write them.

I've been meaning to send out thank you notes for my upcoming fundraiser - the 160 mile bike trek.

So many of my friends and family have been generous to donate, and I feel SUPER guilty for not being gracious enough to write.

So, tonight, following my blog, I will write them out.

If you are curious about the bike trek, check it out: http://www.trektrainingtales.blogspot.com/

You can see my donationg here too: www.firstgiving.com/trektrainingtales
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