#21: I'm addicted to Angry Birds

Photo number twenty-one of Operation 365: I'm addicted to Angry Birds.

First of all, if you've never played the game, don't pass judgment. Spend the whopping $.99 and see what I mean.

If you have ever played this game.... you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.

Angry Birds is an app for the iPhone, iTouch or iPad. It's a mind puzzling game of sling-shotting birds (all of which have different "breaking" powers) into am onslaught of ice, wood and metal to try and defeat the pigs that are laughing at you.

It sounds stupid... but it's actually really hilarious. Especially when the birds are screaming and the pigs are laughing at you.

I literally dream about this game. I am currently in a friendly competition with my boyfriend to see who can beat the game with the most stars... and it's driving me crazy that he's winning!

So now that I have to step my game up, I'm finding myself playing all the time - eating dinner, taking a bath, at work, in the middle of the night. Ahhh!!!

BUT... the hard work is paying off. I'm so close to catching up!! Ha ha...

Watch out baby... I'm coming!

In all seriousness, the creator of angry birds is a genius! I looked up a brief statistic on it, and since it's birth, 6.5 million copies have been sold. WOw... Rollin in dough.

Now why can't I find an app to build like that?
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