#10: I Got The McGyver Gift

Photo number ten of Operation 365: I got the McGyver gift.

If there's one thing I can brag about myself is that I can jerry rig pretty much anything.

Today I was cleaning out my office and I found this nerf basketball toy from an old McDonald's happy mean (yes, go ahead and laugh, I still order the happy meal).

ANYWAY.... it had been collecting dust in the corner of the window sill for months. So I figured I'd play around with it. Except when it's on the desk, the ball (which is plastic) bounces off the table and right back out the "net".

So I thought about how I can get this plastic toy mounted on the wall.

1 binder clip - to compensate for the bottom piece that sticks out a bit in the back. Also useful for attaching to the wall.

4 push pins - two on the side to hold down binder clip tabs and two to support the bottom

2 rubber bands - to reinforce the plastic net so it doesn't slip off and fall when the ball hits it.

Those are the ingredients for some office fun! Needless to say, I left 15 minutes late, and THIS time, it wasn't because of actual work. ;)
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