#9: I get robbed by the State of Florida every morning

Photo number nine of Operation 365: I get robbed by the state of Florida every morning.

It never fails. No matter what time I leave in the morning, there's unbearable traffic. I work from 7am - 4pm (many times later) every day in Coral Gables. This means I drive I-95 south until it turns into US1... that's right. The WHOLE highway.

This used to be a breeze. Hop on, you have four - sometimes five - lanes to jump back and forth in. That is, until they put up these f-ing sunpass lanes. Thanks Florida Department of Transportation. I needed that like a whole in the head.

So now, everyone crams into the two lanes - sometimes three - and traffic backs up immediately. The only way around it is... you guessed it... to take the sunpass lanes. Coincidence? I think not. Looks like these jerks are taking everyone for a ride (absolutely no pun intended... ok maybe a lil ;} LOL)

Every morning, I hand over $0.25 to $1.00 to ride in what used to be a free lane. Not because I want to, but because I already wake up early and drive 45 minutes. I simply cannot get up any earlier and get on the road. It's a hazard to me and everyone around me.

Today, I paid my cap... $1.50. I'm not proud of this. In fact, I'm angry because I was running late and had I been on time it would have only been $0.50. Boooooo!!!

Gotta love the government, the state, and everyone else who rams you in the ass every chance they get.
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