#17: I Collect McDonald's Happy Meal Toys

Photo number seventeen of Operation 365: I collect McDonald's happy meal toys.

It's true. Earlier in this blog I admitted to eating the happy meal. Now, I'm coming out of the toy chest...

My office is literally decorated in tiny figurines - cars, dolls, characters, projectiles. Everyone in the office knows I like them... and in many cases, they bring me some!!

I have no idea why I keep them. They serve no purpose. They take up space. They're made in China. And I'm pretty sure that my Pinocchio doll tried to kill me once.

But other than that I seem to have developed a strange addiction to collecting them. In fact, I haven't had fast food in three weeks now, and I actually miss them. Well, the toy and those cookies (which I swear have crack in them).

Sigh... looks like I gotta kick the habit. Be strong.... be strong.... be strong.....
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