#2: Headless Dolls Creep Me Out

Photo number two of Operation 365: A random head...

I was born the day before Halloween. Therefore, not much scares me. I don't get creeped out when I see bloody limbs, grim reapers, Jason masks, Freddy Krueger claws or decaying bones.

Headless girl dolls... however... give me the heebie jeebies.

And not only headless dolls, but random heads with no bodies. I mean, how the hell did it get there without its body? It's just weird.

The other day, I was walking up the walkway in my backyard with my boyfriend. He stops, points to the ground and says, "Babe, why is there a head on the ground." Sure enough, there it was.

Now, not too far from the head was its rightful body. A statue of a small girl holding up a flag. Here's the weird part...

I put the head of the doll on the other side of the bricks in the dirt, so that my mom can glue it on later.

Yesterday, the head was on the sidewalk again.

Now that's just creepy.

Screw you headless, bodiless, creepy, girl head.
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