#4: I'm a little bit country...

Photo number four of Operation 365 (with a weekend bonus photo): I'm a little bit country.

It's true. I may not chew tobacco and say things like "yall" or "git r' done" but I do indulge in some country-like activities.

For example, I can ride the mechanical bull at Tequila Ranch, sing a few country songs and yes, I walk around barefoot... a lot. But one of my favorite "redneck" indulgences has to be beef jerky.

What do they put in that stuff? I don't even really like eating meat. But I'm a jerky turkey.

And even though the guy at the gun show over prices his jerky, I have to say it's my favorite. So today I got $10 of the goods at the Ft. Lauderdale Suncoast Gun Show.

Yeeee Haaawwww!!!
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