#8: I hate, hate, HATE taking pills...

Photo number eight of Operation 365: I HATE taking pills.

There's something in just writing that title that made me gag.

Pills... eeeeewwww!!!

I go to take an Advil and you'd think someone was shoving a loaf of moldy bread down my throat. Everything closes up. I can't swallow, can't breathe, can't move.

Oh, I know... I'm SOOOO dramatic.

The sad thing is that it's true!

I take a gulp of water, milk or juice (I try to convince myself that the OJ is thicker - you know, with the pulp and all.) Anyway, I wet my throat, pop the pill in, lift the glass to take another sip and.. BANG! Throat closes.

Now I have this - usually uncoated - pill swishing around in my throat. It can't go anywhere, because I can't swallow. Bits and pieces of it usually dissolve and stick to the back of my tongue. I panic because I can taste it and it's gross and I don't know how to get it down. Then after a few seconds, the gates open up and I can get some more fluids in there.

It's a mission. And by the time it's over I'm gagging and dry heaving.

This is with Advil.

Now, give me something like these antibiotics I'm on now, and it's twice as bad. I mean, do I look like a horse? Cause these are definitely horse pills!!

Ugh.. I've gagged three times just writing this blog...

I have ten days... just ten... to finish my prescription. By the time I'm finished, I'll have awarded myself a metal.
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