#12: I'm Ready For Some Football!!!

Photo number twelve of Operation 365: I'm ready for some football.

Football season is something I live for! I love me some football. In fact, I literally get depressed when the season is over.

I'm a Giants fan... and all you haters can save your energy, because I don't give a shit if you like my team or not... ok? LOL

My love for football started when I was very young. I used to watch it with my mom and dad all the time. When I first started rooting for specific teams, I did so by the color of their jerseys.

Green and blue were my favorite colors.

So imagine my dad's annoyance when I choose to root for the Jets, because their uniforms are, "pretty".

You see, dad's a Dolphin guy. Always has been and always will be.

I really don't have anything against the Fins. I just think it's fun to have a little rivalry in the game, so to this day, I still root for the Jets to spite my father... evil I know.
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