#6: My Favorite Part of My Work Day is My Morning View From I-95

Photo number six of Operation 365: My Favorite Part of My Work Day is My Morning View From I-95.

It's kind of superstitious - which is funny because I'm really not that kind of person - but I tend to carve a preconceived notion about my day by the way the sky looks in the morning.

For example: If the sun is rising nicely, it's gonna be a good day. If it's dark and overcast, then lookout it's gonna be a doosie.

It's silly, but when you have almost an hour drive to work, you'll do anything to make it fun.

But there's something extra special about this view in particular. It's taken from the tall HOV lane that was recently converted into the I-95 express lanes. Somehow, in the chaos of morning traffic, I can always find a moment of peace when I look over at the sunrise.

When the sky is lit up in pink and orange and just the tip of the sun can be seen from the sky rise... that's when it's peaceful. I think of children crawling out of bed and eating their cereal in the Pajamas, lovers cuddling in bed, people enjoying their coffee on a balcony.

Nice things. Not the asshole in front of me who just cut me off, the jerk that keeps crawling up my rear or the moron who keeps switching lanes at 80 mph with no blinker.

For those brief 4 or 5 seconds that I am going across the bridge, I feel that peace. And that's really all I need in the morning.
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