#1: I'm no Master Chef... but I LOVE to cook

I may not be a wiz in the kitchen - I always burn the alfredo sauce, I sometimes overcook roasts and I occasionally dry out the chicken. But I LOVE to cook things.

While I wish I was able to juts throw a few ingredients in a pan and call it a masterpiece, the reality is I'm juts a standard "wifey" type cook. I can follow a recipe and I sometimes add a little twist. But I try to experiment with food too. No, sicko, not like that. I mean, I'll put a dash of teryaki in my BBQ or some vinaigrette on the couscous.

But more than just cooking the food, I love the way that my boyfriend appreciates my food. Even my bad food. It doesn't matter what I make, he always thanks me for making it. And so I'm inspired to get up the next day and do it all over again.

Tonight, I made stuffed zucchini (zucchini guts, bread crumbs, parmesan cheese and garlic) and stuffed tomatoes (couscous with left over zucchini guts, celery, lemon juice, spices and parsley). I was more excited about the presentation than I was to eat it. LOL.

Bringing Blogging Back!

Ok ok ok... so it's been FOR-EVER since I wrote a blog!!! I did go 32 days strong with the operation 365 though... which is a big deal for me. It was probably the longest blogging streak I've ever had.

But I found out recently that 95% of blogs will go inactive and become abandoned rather early on in their lives, and I thought about my own blogs.

I've got three: One was a fundraiser, so yeah, ok, fine, that one "technically" doesn't count. The other is a baking blog, and yes, I DO need to step my game up there. I've got so much baking experience under my belt so far and I should share some of that cool stuff with all of you.

Truth is, I really haven't seen the motivation to blog.

I mean, are people really reading this? I have one follower (Thanks Paul). After 32 days of posting this blog to my facebook and twitter and only one person found it interesting enough to follow me? So I thought, "Wow. I must be boring."

And on top of that, it takes me a long time to sit down and write something out. I gotta think about what photo I wanna share with you, write up some witty little piece that WON'T bore you to death and then post it, preview it and fix all the freaking typos that somehow show up.

But it dawned on me. In the middle of all my self bitching. I'm blogging for me, so that I can look back on my year and think... wow... I remember that! Not because I'm obligated, or because someone told me to do so. And by the way, Susie and Tracy, you are my biggest fans on Facebook and often push me to post - so I applaud you, and DO consider you my followers too. I should have mentioned that before.

So on that note, I decided that I'm bringing blogging back. But I DO hope that some of you will follow me and at least make me feel like it's not for nothing. :)

#32: I'm a Bit of a Geocacher

Photo number thirty-two of Operation 365: I'm a bit of a geocacher.

If you've never heard of Geocaching don't worry. Up until two weeks ago, I hadn't either. But it's actually quite fun!

Geocaching is like a world wide scavenger hunt. People hide little tubes, tupperwares or ziplocks known as "cache" in various geographical points all over the globe. Inside, there is a log - that you sign upon finding. There can also be goodies or trackable items that you have to carry on to another cache.

So any way, you find these cache and log them online. There's no prize or anything, but it IS quite satisfying to find that little log.

Today, I went geocaching on my lunch break. Last weekend we visited "The Sloth, one of Seven deadly Sins".

Here's the description: One of Seven to be placed. Easy to get to. Maybe not so easy to find. Great Location for learning. This is one of my favorite places to take the kids or see a lazer light show at night. No bushwacking at all.

Hint: If you had a time machine and went back in time. You would not want to run into this. Related to the Armadilos family.

So, we realized that it was the big dinosaur next to the museum off US1.

But we searched for 30 minutes and came up short. Today, we went back with another strong clue and wouldn't you know within 3 minutes, we found it. Great find. Lots of fun.

I planted a cache at my job along with my geocaching crew, "D@be$tgeocachers" and hope to put one up around my neighborhood to.

Hope it inspires you to try. It's so much fun! But get a really good compass or download the app on your phone. Otherwise it's a mission. LOL

#31: I'm addicted to Cirque Du Soleil

Photo number thirty-one of Operation 365: I'm addicted to Cirque Du Soleil.

For my birthday this year, my mom gave me and my boyfriend tickets to see Kooza - a performance by Cirque Du Soleil.

It was the most amazing experience of my life.
The music was beautiful, the make up was stunning, the outfits were incredible and the stunts were phenomenal. I swear my jaw was on the floor the whole time. Amazing. I laughed, I cried, I gasped for breath.

If you haven't seen any of their performances, you should consider checking it out.

So, anyway, the merchandise at these events are outrageously expensive. We searched for a while during intermission, but refused to pay $90 for a shirt. So we grabbed a DVD and headed for checkout.

Then I saw these really cool coffee cups! They were only $5 each! So we snagged the last two and decided that our new "bucket list" would be to start a collection of Cirque Du Soleil cups.

So we plan on going to different shows around the state: Vegas, California and even in Florida. I even got a piggy bank specifically to save up for ticket money. $45 later, I'm almost there!

#30: Cheesecake is my favorite dessert

Photo number thirty of Operation 365: Cheesecake is my favorite dessert.

Just say the word cheesecake, and the fat girl inside of me starts to drool.

I love food... in fact I love almost ALL food. But cheesecake is not just regular food. It's the food of the Gods... for real for real.

So it's no surprise that one of my favorite places to go is the Cheesecake Factory. If you are one of my friends, who likes cheesecake and has never been here... we can no longer be friends.

Like Baskin Robbins 30-some-odd flavors, the Cheesecake Factory has a plethora - that's right, a plethora - of cheesecake assortments. I stole them off the menu... which one's your favorite? I personally have a hard time resisting the caramel turtle.

* Original
* Fresh Strawberry
* Reese's Peanut Butter Chocolate Cake
* 30th Anniversary Chocolate Cake
* White Chocolate Raspberry Truffle
* Ultimate Red Velvet Cake
* Godiva Chocolate
* Fresh Banana Creme
* Adam's Peanut Butter Cup
* White Chocolate Caramel Macadamia Nut
* Lemon Raspberry
* Dulce De Leche Caramel
* Chocolate Coconut Creme
* Tiramisu
* Chocolate Mousse
* Vanilla Bean
* Chocolate Tuxedo
* Kahlua Cocoa Coffee
* Pineapple Upside Down
* Chocolate Raspberry Truffle
* Dutch Apple Caramel Streusel
* Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
* Wild Blueberry White Chocolate
* Low Carb
* Low Carb With Strawberries
* Key Lime
* Caramel Pecan Turtle
* Brownie Sundae
* Snicker's Bar
* Carrot Cake
* Oreo
* Cherry
* Pumpkin and Pumpkin Pecan

Whew... That's a lot of freaking cheesecake. So... how many of you are craving some now. LOL. Sorry!!!

#29: I'm Unbelievably, Absurdly, Inconceivably, Out of Control in Love.

Photo number twenty-nine of Operation 365: I'm unbelievably, absurdly, inconceivably, out of control in love.

Yes, yes, I know. Everyone is tired of seeing me posting about how incredible my boyfriend is and how much I love him.

But you know what?


I'm yelling it from the rooftop!!!

It's amazing how every day you can find one more thing about someone that makes you just a hair more insane about them. I'm completely head over heels for this boy.

It's funny, because I finally found someone who is a mirror image of myself. We laugh, we joke, we finish each others sentences. It's 100% meant to be. And to be honest... I can't see me living my life any other way.

This is... the HAPPIEST... I have been... my ENTIRE life.

Thanks babe... I love you so much!
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