#28: I HAVE to Put My Makeup On in Order

Photo number twenty-eight of Operation 365: I have to put my makeup on in order.

It's the funniest thing. I take out every piece of my make up from the bag, before I get it on my face.

Eye shadows, liners, mascara, brushes in one section... primers, concealers and foundations in another... blush, powder, lipstick in the last.

I HAVE to do this. If I don't, I skip something.

And I have no idea where I picked this up form. I've watched my mom do her make up hundreds of times growing up and she doesn't do this. She grabs from the cabinet, puts on and sets back. Like a normal person.

Not me... I need order. LOL

And I love makeup, so I have a ton of stuff too. Every color eye shadow, dozens of lip sticks and brushes. I swear it takes more time to actually take everything out and organize than it does to put the make up on. LOL

#25: I Love Fishing and Catching Some Rays...

Photo number twenty-five of Operation 365: I love fishing and catching some rays.

Put me on a boat, on a dock, on a beach, anywhere that I can fish and I'm happy. I love to kick back and chill with a cold drink in one hand, a pole in the other and catch a nice tan while fishing.

I went to Sanibel for the Labor Day weekend and it was the best little spot I've been to so far. A little lake-house style motel on the corner of the water. Wow. It was beautiful.

I woke up every morning, threw the pole in the water and fished all day.

I never caught anything... except a sweet little tan.

#27: I Love Trash Magazines... They Make My Life Look Normal

Photo number twenty-seven of Operation 365: I love trash magazines, because they make my life look normal.

So Jen has been stealing Brad away from Angelina for like 10 years now. Kristie Alley still battles weight issues and Heidi is getting another nose job. I live for this.

I have no idea why, but for some reason I LOVE gossip magazines. I cannot go on a trip without one.

I read them in line at the supermarket, I flip through them at the hair salon, and I realized... I'm not alone.

Everyone loves gossip - be it personal, friends, celebs. They love to get the scoop on all the drama and analyze it in their own way.

That's why half of America watches Jersey Shore. So that we can watch Ronnie and Sammi fight and make our judgments as to whether or not they should stay together.

Hey, consider this my guilty pleasure...

#26: I Prefer the Sunset...

Photo number twenty-six of Operation 365: I prefer the sunset.

It's probably because I'm not a morning person. I hate waking up early, even if it's to do something fun. But night time... totally different.

I love to watch the sun set across the water. There's just something so peaceful about it. Like the landscape is tucking it in for the night while the moon gets his chance to shine.

I love watching the sunset on the East coast, as it passes through buildings. But nothing compares to the west coast. TOTALLY different colors and everything.

Sunsets in San Fransisco are my favorite. For now though, Sanibel sunsets are suiting me pretty well.

#24: I'm a SUPER nerd

Photo number twenty-four of Operation 365: I'm a SUPER nerd.

I will admit it. There are times when I nerd out, and sometimes to the point where even I know it's bad. But I can't help it! I think life is WAY too short to be serious all the time.

I goof around and make funny faces and funny sounds and I really don't care if people look at me crazy. In fact, I find it pretty funny when they do.

I originally bought these glasses for our Where's Waldo photo shoot.... we'll talk about that some other time... but I thought it would be hilarious to wear them around random places.

The glass in the center is clear, and no, doesn't distort your vision. But they are so flippin hilarious!

Wonder where I'll wear them today. LOL

Oh, C'mon, you know they are sexy....

#23: I LOVE pizza.... with no cheese

Photo number twenty-three of Operation 365: I LOVE pizza.... with no cheese.

I know, I know. You order pizza, you expect the cheese. In fact, some people add extra cheese. Me? I pull it off.

It's not that I don't like cheese, I actually really love cheese. But I prefer to taste the sauce on the pizza. Cheese steals the sauces thunder.

My favorite pizza in the whole world, is Villa Rose. I've been going there since I was just *this* big. Thin, crispy, fresh... GOOD!

I used to just peel it off each slice - since I share with everyone who likes cheese on their pizza. Now, I just order it with a third of the pizza missing cheese.

I;m not the only one in my family who likes it this way either. My father likes it with no cheese, and his dad liked it with no cheese.

And now, every time someone gives me the "stink eye" for skipping the cheese, I make them try it.

And guess what?

They like it!

#22: I'm so Bad About Writing Thank You Notes

Photo number twenty-two of Operation 365: I'm so bad at writing thank you notes.

I'm a firm believer that when someone gives you a gift, or donates to your cause you should send them a thank you note.

Yet... I always seem to have trouble remembering to write them.

I've been meaning to send out thank you notes for my upcoming fundraiser - the 160 mile bike trek.

So many of my friends and family have been generous to donate, and I feel SUPER guilty for not being gracious enough to write.

So, tonight, following my blog, I will write them out.

If you are curious about the bike trek, check it out: http://www.trektrainingtales.blogspot.com/

You can see my donationg here too: www.firstgiving.com/trektrainingtales

#21: I'm addicted to Angry Birds

Photo number twenty-one of Operation 365: I'm addicted to Angry Birds.

First of all, if you've never played the game, don't pass judgment. Spend the whopping $.99 and see what I mean.

If you have ever played this game.... you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.

Angry Birds is an app for the iPhone, iTouch or iPad. It's a mind puzzling game of sling-shotting birds (all of which have different "breaking" powers) into am onslaught of ice, wood and metal to try and defeat the pigs that are laughing at you.

It sounds stupid... but it's actually really hilarious. Especially when the birds are screaming and the pigs are laughing at you.

I literally dream about this game. I am currently in a friendly competition with my boyfriend to see who can beat the game with the most stars... and it's driving me crazy that he's winning!

So now that I have to step my game up, I'm finding myself playing all the time - eating dinner, taking a bath, at work, in the middle of the night. Ahhh!!!

BUT... the hard work is paying off. I'm so close to catching up!! Ha ha...

Watch out baby... I'm coming!

In all seriousness, the creator of angry birds is a genius! I looked up a brief statistic on it, and since it's birth, 6.5 million copies have been sold. WOw... Rollin in dough.

Now why can't I find an app to build like that?

#20: I love art

Photo number twenty of Operation 365: I love art.

There's something so intriguing about art for me. Maybe it's because in many cases I can replicate the work and it annoys me that these people are making thousands of dollars doing it.

For example: This painting on my wall is worth $600. Seriously? I can paint it myself for less. And yet, there's something I actually really love about it.

It really looks like Miami. It's Key Biscayne from the water side.

I actually didn't buy this painting. I did, however, consider it.

It's from an auction we had for the organization I work for... the Alpha-1 Foundation. All proceeds went to finding a cure for a very rare, genetic condition that causes lung/liver disease in people of all ages.

But even though it was for a good cause, I still couldn't see paying that much for a painting. So my wonderful boss let me put it in my office to at least enjoy while I'm at work.

Pretty cool, eh?

#19: The Green Thumb Gene Skipped Me

Photo number nineteen of Operation 365: The green thumb gene skipped me.

Everyone in my family can grow plants, trees, fruit, vegetables. Not me.

If you look in the photo, I bet you can pick out which one of these plants is ACTUALLY mine. Yup... the stick on the bottom right. It should look like the other two trees...

I'm so bad at the whole remembering to water my plants thing, that I killed a bamboo tree... that's right... a BAMBOO.

The bamboo is one of the most durable plants there is. That's why so many people have them in their offices. They don't need any light, just water.

How hard is it to remember water?

Apparently... really hard.

#18: I love to shop... Especially at Sur La Table

Photo number eighteen of Operation 365: I love to shop, especially at Sur la Table.

I love to bake. I love to cook. I love food. Period.

So it's only natural that the kitchen is one of my favorite places in the house. And what's more fun than being in a kitchen full of gadgets?

I love the little Garlic Zooms and chop and scoops, the bullet, toaster tongs, silicone baking cups... man the list goes on.

Sur la Table has everything you can ever want for your kitchen. It's got appliances, utensils, cookware, spices, books, etc. It's like heaven!!!

My mom and I can spend hours in that store! Today we didn't get much though... just some cute citronella candles shaped like beer glasses for my dad. LOL

#17: I Collect McDonald's Happy Meal Toys

Photo number seventeen of Operation 365: I collect McDonald's happy meal toys.

It's true. Earlier in this blog I admitted to eating the happy meal. Now, I'm coming out of the toy chest...

My office is literally decorated in tiny figurines - cars, dolls, characters, projectiles. Everyone in the office knows I like them... and in many cases, they bring me some!!

I have no idea why I keep them. They serve no purpose. They take up space. They're made in China. And I'm pretty sure that my Pinocchio doll tried to kill me once.

But other than that I seem to have developed a strange addiction to collecting them. In fact, I haven't had fast food in three weeks now, and I actually miss them. Well, the toy and those cookies (which I swear have crack in them).

Sigh... looks like I gotta kick the habit. Be strong.... be strong.... be strong.....

#16: Every Day Is Crazy Sock Day

Photo number sixteen of Operation 365: Every day is crazy sock day.

Winter is my favorite time of year. I love when the tile in my house is cold at night. It's the BEST time of the year to put on a pair of socks. Socks for me... is like a hug for your feet.

I've got 7 pairs of over the knee socks, 6 pairs of regular knee socks, and about 45 pairs of regular low cut socks.

They range from scooby doo, cars, care bears, batman, spongebob, pacman and frogger to pink skulls, flowers, hearts and stars. I've got a pair of socks for every holiday - and in many cases I have two or three.

Except for two holidays...

There are two times a year that I go EXTRA crazy. Christmas and Halloween.

I have 10 pairs of socks for Christmas, and 12 for Halloween - one pair actually boooooos at you when you press the button, and one of them lights up.

I swear its an addiction. I have a hard time passing up the dollar bin at Target without checking out what kind of socks they have.

Only trouble is... I'm having a hard time trying to find a place to store them. LOL

#15: I'm a bit of a goofball

Photo number fifteen of Operation 365: I'm a bit of a goofball.

I can't help it. If there's a practical joke to be made... I'm making it. I like making up nicknames for people, teasing people and having a great time being sarcastic.

But the good part, is that I can take it right back.

I saw this sticker on a banana this morning and thought it would be hilarious if I wore it around to see how many people would read it. But I FORGOT to get the sticker before leaving this morning.

SO... I'm putting it on and going viral!!

#14: I'm a little bit Zeny

Photo number fourteen of Operation 365: I'm a little bit Zeny.

No, not zany... ZENy. I love herbal medicine and meditation. I'm a huge fan of Yoga, hot rock treatments for sore backs, breathing exercises and I think it would have been cool to actually Chinese torture someone. Ok, so the last one really has nothing to do with Zen, but it would have been fun. LOL

Zen, is actually a Japanese word that derived from several variations of other cultures and languages. It's part of the school of Mahāyāna Buddhism.

It's theory is very simple and focuses on tuning out the world around you to find your inner peace. When you are unsure of things, you can try to "find you zen" by meditating. You can find answers to pretty much anything when in full zen.

I know it sounds silly. But I find it so true. I can literally "zen out" as I call it, and visual things in different color. A purple wall might be green, or blue.

Since I can't necessarily sit on the floor cross legged in my office, I got this very peaceful waterfall, and a rubbing stone where you are supposed to concentrate your negative thoughts on.

Often, when my stress level is ceiling high, I'll just stop for a second and stare at my waterfall. I try to "zen out" until I can picture the water flowing in a different color. By this time I have cleared my mind totally and am ready to try and tackle that project again...

Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. But at least for a few seconds I can find some sort of peace from the madness cluttering my email.

#13: I'm in love with Green Day

Photo number thirteen of Operation 365: I'm in love with Green Day.

Billy Joe Armstrong (the lead singer of Green Day) is not necessarily hot. In fact, he's not attractive at all in the physical sense. BUT... when he opens his mouth and starts to sing... my knees get week!

I swear he has the sexiest voice ever - which, kinda takes away from the fact that he's not so hot.

Anyway, when I heard that Green Day Rockband was coming out, I KNEW I HAD to have it. Best $50 I've ever spent. Now I can see him whenever I want! And the graphics are SO amazing. It's like I'm right there at their concert!

#12: I'm Ready For Some Football!!!

Photo number twelve of Operation 365: I'm ready for some football.

Football season is something I live for! I love me some football. In fact, I literally get depressed when the season is over.

I'm a Giants fan... and all you haters can save your energy, because I don't give a shit if you like my team or not... ok? LOL

My love for football started when I was very young. I used to watch it with my mom and dad all the time. When I first started rooting for specific teams, I did so by the color of their jerseys.

Green and blue were my favorite colors.

So imagine my dad's annoyance when I choose to root for the Jets, because their uniforms are, "pretty".

You see, dad's a Dolphin guy. Always has been and always will be.

I really don't have anything against the Fins. I just think it's fun to have a little rivalry in the game, so to this day, I still root for the Jets to spite my father... evil I know.

#11: I'm Pretty Sure My Cat Is Plotting My Death

Photo number eleven of Operation 365: I'm pretty sure my cat is plotting my death.

I'm sure when you read the title you laughed. It's a joke... it's so funny... ha ha...

Well, it's not a joke at all.

I swear my cat wants me dead. I wake up in the morning (feeling like P. Diddy, LOL, sorry) and the first thing I see is my cat. Sitting on my stomach. Staring at me. WTF.

How long as he been there - just looking at me? What is he thinking about? Why do his eyes look crazy. And then it happens.

I say, "good morning, Cody," and raise my hand to pet him. And he snaps. That cute, cuddly, innocent face bites my tired ass. Then we fight and he leaves. But that's never the end.

Then he stands in the corner of my doorway all squinty eyed.... staring at me. I swear, if I die in my sleep you all better believe it was my cat.

#10: I Got The McGyver Gift

Photo number ten of Operation 365: I got the McGyver gift.

If there's one thing I can brag about myself is that I can jerry rig pretty much anything.

Today I was cleaning out my office and I found this nerf basketball toy from an old McDonald's happy mean (yes, go ahead and laugh, I still order the happy meal).

ANYWAY.... it had been collecting dust in the corner of the window sill for months. So I figured I'd play around with it. Except when it's on the desk, the ball (which is plastic) bounces off the table and right back out the "net".

So I thought about how I can get this plastic toy mounted on the wall.

1 binder clip - to compensate for the bottom piece that sticks out a bit in the back. Also useful for attaching to the wall.

4 push pins - two on the side to hold down binder clip tabs and two to support the bottom

2 rubber bands - to reinforce the plastic net so it doesn't slip off and fall when the ball hits it.

Those are the ingredients for some office fun! Needless to say, I left 15 minutes late, and THIS time, it wasn't because of actual work. ;)

#9: I get robbed by the State of Florida every morning

Photo number nine of Operation 365: I get robbed by the state of Florida every morning.

It never fails. No matter what time I leave in the morning, there's unbearable traffic. I work from 7am - 4pm (many times later) every day in Coral Gables. This means I drive I-95 south until it turns into US1... that's right. The WHOLE highway.

This used to be a breeze. Hop on, you have four - sometimes five - lanes to jump back and forth in. That is, until they put up these f-ing sunpass lanes. Thanks Florida Department of Transportation. I needed that like a whole in the head.

So now, everyone crams into the two lanes - sometimes three - and traffic backs up immediately. The only way around it is... you guessed it... to take the sunpass lanes. Coincidence? I think not. Looks like these jerks are taking everyone for a ride (absolutely no pun intended... ok maybe a lil ;} LOL)

Every morning, I hand over $0.25 to $1.00 to ride in what used to be a free lane. Not because I want to, but because I already wake up early and drive 45 minutes. I simply cannot get up any earlier and get on the road. It's a hazard to me and everyone around me.

Today, I paid my cap... $1.50. I'm not proud of this. In fact, I'm angry because I was running late and had I been on time it would have only been $0.50. Boooooo!!!

Gotta love the government, the state, and everyone else who rams you in the ass every chance they get.

#8: I hate, hate, HATE taking pills...

Photo number eight of Operation 365: I HATE taking pills.

There's something in just writing that title that made me gag.

Pills... eeeeewwww!!!

I go to take an Advil and you'd think someone was shoving a loaf of moldy bread down my throat. Everything closes up. I can't swallow, can't breathe, can't move.

Oh, I know... I'm SOOOO dramatic.

The sad thing is that it's true!

I take a gulp of water, milk or juice (I try to convince myself that the OJ is thicker - you know, with the pulp and all.) Anyway, I wet my throat, pop the pill in, lift the glass to take another sip and.. BANG! Throat closes.

Now I have this - usually uncoated - pill swishing around in my throat. It can't go anywhere, because I can't swallow. Bits and pieces of it usually dissolve and stick to the back of my tongue. I panic because I can taste it and it's gross and I don't know how to get it down. Then after a few seconds, the gates open up and I can get some more fluids in there.

It's a mission. And by the time it's over I'm gagging and dry heaving.

This is with Advil.

Now, give me something like these antibiotics I'm on now, and it's twice as bad. I mean, do I look like a horse? Cause these are definitely horse pills!!

Ugh.. I've gagged three times just writing this blog...

I have ten days... just ten... to finish my prescription. By the time I'm finished, I'll have awarded myself a metal.

#7: Shoes Complete Me

Photo number seven of Operation 365: Shoes Complete Me...

There's nothing sexier than a brand new pair of heels. Something about their shape - sleek, curvy, stable.

They dress up any outfit. If you're slumming it in jeans, and throw on some heels, you have a nice outfit for a dinner date.

I got these shoes at one of my favorite stores... Kohls.

AND... they were on sale - 50% off! Eep! It's like I'm in heaven!

#6: My Favorite Part of My Work Day is My Morning View From I-95

Photo number six of Operation 365: My Favorite Part of My Work Day is My Morning View From I-95.

It's kind of superstitious - which is funny because I'm really not that kind of person - but I tend to carve a preconceived notion about my day by the way the sky looks in the morning.

For example: If the sun is rising nicely, it's gonna be a good day. If it's dark and overcast, then lookout it's gonna be a doosie.

It's silly, but when you have almost an hour drive to work, you'll do anything to make it fun.

But there's something extra special about this view in particular. It's taken from the tall HOV lane that was recently converted into the I-95 express lanes. Somehow, in the chaos of morning traffic, I can always find a moment of peace when I look over at the sunrise.

When the sky is lit up in pink and orange and just the tip of the sun can be seen from the sky rise... that's when it's peaceful. I think of children crawling out of bed and eating their cereal in the Pajamas, lovers cuddling in bed, people enjoying their coffee on a balcony.

Nice things. Not the asshole in front of me who just cut me off, the jerk that keeps crawling up my rear or the moron who keeps switching lanes at 80 mph with no blinker.

For those brief 4 or 5 seconds that I am going across the bridge, I feel that peace. And that's really all I need in the morning.

#5: I'm Addicted to Soap You Can Only Get in Tarpon Springs, FL

#4: I'm a little bit country...

Photo number four of Operation 365 (with a weekend bonus photo): I'm a little bit country.

It's true. I may not chew tobacco and say things like "yall" or "git r' done" but I do indulge in some country-like activities.

For example, I can ride the mechanical bull at Tequila Ranch, sing a few country songs and yes, I walk around barefoot... a lot. But one of my favorite "redneck" indulgences has to be beef jerky.

What do they put in that stuff? I don't even really like eating meat. But I'm a jerky turkey.

And even though the guy at the gun show over prices his jerky, I have to say it's my favorite. So today I got $10 of the goods at the Ft. Lauderdale Suncoast Gun Show.

Yeeee Haaawwww!!!

#3: My BEST friend, is 3 Years Old...

Photo number three of Operation 365: My BEST friend.

The single most exciting day of my life, was when my niece was born. I knew from those first few moments that I held her, that she was going to be my VERY BEST friend for life.

Funny thing is, I thought at that moment in time, on that one special day, that I loved her more than anything in the world. That I couldn't possibly love any more than that. But that's not entirely true. Because three years later (three very fast years later), I love her even more.

I'm her "buddy" and she is mine.

#2: Headless Dolls Creep Me Out

Photo number two of Operation 365: A random head...

I was born the day before Halloween. Therefore, not much scares me. I don't get creeped out when I see bloody limbs, grim reapers, Jason masks, Freddy Krueger claws or decaying bones.

Headless girl dolls... however... give me the heebie jeebies.

And not only headless dolls, but random heads with no bodies. I mean, how the hell did it get there without its body? It's just weird.

The other day, I was walking up the walkway in my backyard with my boyfriend. He stops, points to the ground and says, "Babe, why is there a head on the ground." Sure enough, there it was.

Now, not too far from the head was its rightful body. A statue of a small girl holding up a flag. Here's the weird part...

I put the head of the doll on the other side of the bricks in the dirt, so that my mom can glue it on later.

Yesterday, the head was on the sidewalk again.

Now that's just creepy.

Screw you headless, bodiless, creepy, girl head.

#1 I LOVE Tattoos...

Photo number one of Operation 365: My Fourth Tattoo.

One thing about me, is that I LOVE tattoos.

I have four: a butterfly on my waistline, a heart with wings on my back (just below the hip), Chinese letters on my stomach (if you wanna know what it means you have to ask), and now, my favorite, the cherry blossoms on my foot.

** Shout out to Anthony Firmino, my tattoo artist at Twisted Heart Tattoo in Hollywood, FL **

I'm the kind of person who believes that tattoos are an expression of your personality. They give us a story, or mark a milestone in our lives. Our body is canvas and we can paint it however we want. Others may disagree, and that's OK, because that's what makes us human - the ability to have differences.

I love my tattoos!! I'm sure number 5 is around the corner. I just have to forget about how bad they actually hurt. ;)

What's Operation 365

Ever wonder if you know me?

I mean, sure you know who I am, and where I work, and all that basic stuff.

But do you really know me?

Do I really know myself?

Time to do some soul searching. I'm getting to know me.

I'm going to think of one thing about "me" every day, and post it as a photo. It could be a food I like, a funny or weird pet peeve, a characteristic, a lifestyle. Anything. I will do this every day for a year - hence, the 365.

I cannot duplicate photos or ideas. Every day is something NEW about me.

So, will the real Laura Fleming... please... stand up.